How to Face Your Fears
We all have fears, whether they be spiders, small spaces, clowns, haunted houses or celery, but with just over two weeks to halloween I thought I'd write a post aimed at facing your fears.
Yes, I know Face Your Fears Day was now ages ago, I messed up, I know. but shouldn't we be facing our fears everyday...
Why should we Consider Everyday to be Face your Fears day??
We all have a variety of different fears that can affect are lives in many different ways. Some are almost impossible not to face, such as going to school and facing bullies and some we can try to avoid like the plague, like coming out of the closet to family who don't understand or even eating celery.
Everyday we take risks, face fears and that takes a lot of courage. People don't just face their fears on face their fears day, they can face them on any day at anytime, anywhere. Not all fears we overcome but we do live with them everyday. Which is why I consider everyday Face Your Fears Day.
What Are My Fears?
It's not really fair to tell people to face their fears when I'm not really honest about my own... (see here)
Some Fears that my Friends Have
I know a lot of people's who are scared that their fears are 'stupid' or 'not scary enough' so I'm going to share a few of my friends without names, just to show you how different they can be.
A fear is caterpillars and celery.
I'm afraid of the inevitability of death
Doing something really nervewracking like auditions, serious interviews, hotseating where all the pressue is on you...
My fear is flies, wasps; anything that can fly into my face
I fear failing to do the right thing at the right time and not meeting all my expectations.
Not getting an A* in German [she's fluent]
I'm scared of all you guys [her friends]
Not know how many orororors to do in Gloria Hosanna in Excelsus
Reading or speaking in front of the class
Stuttering in front of my crush
Dropping someone in cheer
Disappointing my parents
Talking to my crush
How to Face your Fears today
All fears are different and some are easier to face than others, but my advice to you is that everyday to make an effort to confront your fear, whether that is talking about it, taking a step to conquer it or even thinking about it, if you're too far from that fear just actively do something to face it.
Whenever someone has a fear I think it's best to just go for it! It's better to regret it afterwards than to regret not doing it. Because it might go really well, I mean it might not, but it might go very well.
Megan Walker
Even if you embarass yourself, it's okay. If you don't embarass yourself your life is boring
Megan Walker
Tips to Overcome Fears
Facing Your Fears isn't easy, even without trying to overcome them. But I found these two videos and website really helpful in trying to address and overcome mine.
So I wish you well on the path of facing your fears.
Charlz x