How to Save Your Coursework


If like me you decided to leave 25% of your GCSE to the last three days - wouldn't recommend it by the way - here are some top tips to save your work, especially applicable to History, Geography and Business coursework.

1. Plan. Plan. Plan.
The more intricate your planning, the quicker and easier it will be to write your essay.
I recommend planning, minimum, the main and sub-points in each paragraph. If you're dedicate think about maybe even breaking these down into sentence by sentence without writing the actual essay down by presenting them in bullet points.

2. Research like Hell
Research can make our break your essay. Analyse all the notes the teacher gave you and research more in the library or online to fill in the gaps and insert the information into your plan.

3. Make a Time Schedule
By organising your time, or having a to-do list it stops you from wasting time in the Coursework lesson and helps you make the most of each session.

4. Look Back
Look back over work done previously on how to improve it with the least amount of effort if you don't think it's up to par.

5. Focus on Finishing
You have a goal, a mission, to finish the coursework in the time frame, which must be respected. Having this focus will speed you up in itself.

6. Don't lose it
Stay calm and collected and success is sure to follow

So although, I have left completing my coursework til late (admittedly through fault of my own) my best advice, is to finish it as well and quickly as realistically possibe, without procrastinating.

Hope you do well


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