Anorexia: Society's Unattainable Level of Beauty (Q & A)
It really shocked me when one of my friends told me that she had anorexia. Of course, I had noticed that she eats less than me, but most people do, but she has always been one of the prettiest people I've ever met and one of the most active people in my life, so she agreed to give me an anonymous interview, where I basically just let her talk and noted down the key points.
It started around March so its been about 7 months now. I've always been kind of thin and I wanted to stay thin. I didn't want to lose any weight only maintain it.
There is so much so much pressure to look good everywhere from...
- People at School
There is a social prejudice to look like the stars of tv.
- Friends Skipping Meals
If everyone else os doing it then you will kinda just follow suit as it is just normal
- Athlete
I'm an athlete and so I'm constantly surrounded by people who like to keep fit and healthy so I constantly feel pressure to act the same way.
- Gym
At the gym it's the same, everyone's so obsessed with body image that you get caught up too. I was trying to be healthy but I just became obsessed with food. I started to cut back on food during the day.
She would have breakfast and then her not eat anything until her small lunch. She was having no snacks and especially no chocolate. It was all very conrolled. She would not ask for seconds even when she was hungry. She basically dieted to maintain her weight but she severely underestimated the amount of exercise she does.
I used to burp constantly, of course, my first thought was that I was eating too much but the doctor says it was because she wasn't eating enough. Her BMI was 17.
Underweight: BMI is less than 18.5
Normal weight: BMI is 18.5 to 24.9
Overweight: BMI is 25 to 29.9
Obese: BMI is 30 or more.
That is underweight and my period stopped. So I tried putting on weight and got to a BMI of 18 but was worried at the speed I was putting on too fast. So I lost weight again so my so now my current BMI is 16.9.
It's had to for her to gain weight as the stomach has adjusted to be smaller so she doesn't have to eat very much food at all for her to get really full.
This is where she was in her journey when I last saw her; she was about to go to the doctors.
That is her story thus far on her quest back from where her perception of beauty has taken her.
I find that quite scary, to be honest. And she's not my only friend with an eating disorder, there is an obvious problem among young people which needs to be addressed, halted and reversed.
There should be preventative measures for obesity but that are also countered by measures to stop Bulimia and Anorexia.
We will revisit my friend 6 or 7 months down the line, further into the rehabilitation process.
Hope that made you think