The Ultimate Guide to Year 7
Beauty is new experiences
Yesterday, students all over the country were ending their secondary school careers and recieving their GCSE results. So I decided to write a post for those of you about to embark on your secondary school journey.Overview:
▪ Introduction
▪ Top Tips (from some of the guys who've been there)
▪ 7 Things to do Before you Start Year 7
▪ What to Bring On Your First Day
▪ My Year 7 Fears
▪ Summary
▪ Conclusion
Top Tips (from some of the guys who've been there)
Be Prepared for the Extra Pressure
Secondary School is harder than primary school; it's bigger, you have new teachers and new classes and meet new people. You go from being the oldest in the school to the youngest. In other words, school is effort. But in the long run it's worth it.Don't bring a Bag Filled with Stuff that you Probably Don't Need
I along with pretty much every year 7 did this on my first week (or maybe it was 6 months) but spoiler alert you probably don't need to lug around a heavy oxford dictionary.Try to Find the Loyal Friends that Actually Care about You
You end up spending more time with these people than you do with your family. Of course, you won't know this straight away but care about your friends because these could be friends for life.Don't be a Bitch (It Will Come Back to Haunt You)
By the time you get to year 11, everyone is friends with everyone except the guys you have bad blood with. Don't be that person.Make as many Friends As Possible on the First Day
You get close.with everyone overtime. But make a good first impression on the first day everyone allows for a bit of slack and you'll all look back and laugh.Narrow Friends Down from There
Don't drop friends; be a friend to everyone but form a close group of friends to gossip with, tell secrets and wingmanning.Stick with Someone Social
Everyone is awkward and embarrassed on their first day (I sure was) but some people just seem to handle the pressure better than others. For shy or nervous people I recommend that you stick with someone who introduces themselves to everyone that way you make friends quicker and meet more people.Be Friendly
Everyone loves a guy/girl who is a friend to everyone. Contrary to popular belief it is not the Sharpays of this world that are truly popular and fabulous (HSM reference), it is those thar are loved.
Don't just Stick with People You Know
Remember that there are some people in the room that don't know anyone. However, relieving and exciting it is to see someone you already know, don't close yourself off from meeting more people. Push the boundaries and open the door.Make friends with Older People
- Kids in older years are notorious for picking on the new kids. By being sweet (and possibly cute) and by showing some fire (the good kind) by just being yourself you can charm them into stopping and also make some awesome friends
Enjoy it before all the GCSE pressure
- Contrary to how it might feel at first year 7 is one of your best years of school. You finally feel like your growing up; get very little homework and making new friends. Being the babies isn't so bad.
7 Things to do Before you Start Year 7
1. Figure out how you'll be getting to school
Nothing's worse than getting lost on your first day and winding up late.If you're getting the bus or train, find out fares, where you get on and off and how to get to school from the bus stop or train station.
2. Buy the Dreaded Uniform
If you have amazing uniform then lucky you. But regardlesss if it's nice or not you have to wear it, so rock up to the school shop and buy that uniform (probably too big) but own it.
3. Make sure you know how to wear your school uniform
Know how to do the basics like tie your tie or the length of your skirt and figure out how to accessorise within the school rules (which is always a useful guide).
4. Pack your Bag the Day Before
It helps. Trust me.
5. Get a Good Night's Sleep the Day Before
You want to be meeting people when you can concentrate during the frenzy of new people and new places.
6. Ask Questions
Talk to people about your worries, fears and insecurities. Talk to a parent, close friend or sibling but always feel if you're too embarrassed, they can't answer or you're just plain curious to ask me questions in the comments, social media, contact form or email me here. ~~~~~
7. Back to School Shopping
You have to have to have things to take to school. I recommend something that defines you or an aspect of your personality
What to Bring on your First Day
- A pencil case
- Pencils
- Pens
- Glue
- Scissors
- Coloured pencils
- Highlighters
- Coloured Pens
- Scientific Calculator (for maths)
- Rubber
- Sharpener
- School Bag (I prefer a cute, comfy backpack)
- Money (for food and transport)
- Key (if making your own way home)
- Lock (for locker)
- Any letters that were given on the Induction day or sent to your parents
- Phone (if you have one - to get contacts and stay in contact with parents/guardians)
- Bus/Train/Helicopter? Pass (whichever way you'll be travelling - it would be cool to get a helicopter to school...)
- PE Kit
- Anything else that your school told you to bring
For more inspiration check out my Back to School Wishlist (here)
My Year 7 Fears
Most of my best friends are going somewhere else. I'll be alone... everyone was so friendly and was as open to making friends as I was to having them.
I'll never see my friends anymore, they're going to a different school... You make new friends but I'm still friends with loads of my primary school friends 5 years after we left. If you want it you can make it work.
I'm worried I'll get lost. My new school is so much bigger than my old one... everyone (the teachers and older kids) were so helpful. I basically knew my way around in a week.
I won't like the food. I've seen school dinners on TV and they look disgusting... At my school the food is AMAZING (expensive but amazing) it contains a selection of pizza, pasta and a main meal as well as other things. We get to choose exactly what we have.
I'll get picked on by the older kids... Sorry guys but this is a rite of passage. But don't worry it's not too bad, it's mostly playful and you get bombarded with 'You're so cute' for half a year, annoying but harmless and think that next year you can initiate the new recruits. But if it gets too bad just mention it to a teacher.
- Just be you, no matter how awkward or weird, you'll be spending 5 years with these guys before you know it they'll feel like family.
- Make friends not enemies, everyone's nervous, you're all in the same boat so get in there and just say 'hi' to get the conversation started.
- Buy all your uniform and utensils beforehand and pack the day before so you don't forget to bring anything.
I hope you have a great time at secondary school. Hope my advice works for you! Shoutout to Saoirse and Missy from for all your help Check out her blog and let me know how it pans out in the comments...
Next Post: Back To School Wishlisht posted on Saturday 27th August 2016 at 0800
Charlz x