What is Beauty?
The definition of beauty has been one of the great question marks in civilisation from the beginning. A concept that many of the great philosophers have pondered over the years.
However, the inspiration for this post came from watching Suicide Squad, a movie that I was so psyched for as it has an amazing trailer but when it came down to the crunch the movie was underwhelming as it just wasn't dark enough. The movie wasn't a complete flop though and had it's golden moments.
One of these was when Harley Quinn, talks about how none of them is beautiful on the inside but it doesn't show on the outside, except for Killer Croc "he's just ugly." to which he replies "I'm beautiful!"
That moment really tugs on the heartstrings, letting us know after all the rejection and isolation Croc has received in his life, he's still strong and that's beautiful. But really got me thinking: What is beauty?
- Is beauty how aesthetically pleasing something is?
- Or is it more about what's on the inside?
How Beauty Has Been Defined Before
Most of the images I found online after doing a google images search for 'what is beauty' referred more to your character and confidence than your outward appearance some like...... suggest that outward appearance does to some extent matter, but maybe that it isn't as important as it first appears.
What Beauty is to Me
There have been many times in my life that I haven't felt beautiful.
I used to be bullied a lot, have people constantly making me feel worthless and unimportant, I like to say that I lost my sparkle. But I didn't crumble. I was lucky that I had great friends to hold me up and a family that love me. I would call that beauty.
When I found out that one of my best friend's dad had died that was basically like a second father to me, I felt so desperate and helpless, that I became depressed, not telling anyone because I didn't feel like I had the right to be. I felt so selfish that I still had my dad and yet felt the way I did; yet she was being so strong and I wasn't even helping her like I should've been.
Yet I find her strength beautiful. That tough period that I had to go through tore me apart but toughened me up so I find that strangely beautiful.
I started getting nightmares and not sleeping (that was the start of my insomnia that I still have to this day). My doctor says that half my problem is that I worry about it too much which keeps me awake which starts a cycle. But it is not all bad. The beautiful part is to tire myself out to sleep, I'm always doing sport, keeping healthy, achieving goals, and starting new projects. Plus, I have more hours in the day so can achieve more.
I got over aiming for society's impossible idea of beauty while finding beauty and strength in myself and I want to help others to do the same.
That's why from now on i'm focused on dedicating this blog to beauty. A place that feautures beautiful people, doing beautiful things in beautiful ways.
My Definition of Beauty
Beauty is a feeling.Beauty is in the mind.Beauty is physical.Beauty is imperfection.Beauty is strength.Beauty is achievement.Beauty is growth.Beauty is a smile.Beauty is education.Beauty is expression.Beauty is love.Beauty is hope.Beauty is positivity.Beauty is in the heart.Beauty is preparation.Beauty is impulsive.Beauty is abstract.Beauty is loud.Beauty is subtle.Beauty is friendship.Beauty is family.Beauty is simple.Beauty is complex.Beauty is attitude.Beauty is behaviour.Beauty is actions.Beauty is portrayed.Beauty is power.Beauty is unique.Beauty is there.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.There is beauty everywhere.
Beauty is hard to explain, it's combination of a lot of things it is mental and physical and everyone sees it and defines it slightly differently. I truly do believe that there is beauty everywhere in everything and everyone, even if it is not glaringly obvious at first. Beauty is beautiful and it's just a case of looking around you to find it. This is what beauty means to me but I know it such an abstract question that there is no way I could've covered it all. Leave any questions you have in the comments section and I would love to know...
Next post published on Friday 26 August 2016 at 08:00am
Charlz x